What happened today?

We had to react with particular caution to a threat at school today. The situation was initially unclear - we could not rule out a danger to pupils. We informed the police immediately.

In accordance with safety regulations, we have asked pupils and teachers not to leave the classroom and to keep the classroom door locked.

The situations in the classrooms were understandably stressful, sometimes frightening and challenging for everyone.

As parents, you were also very worried and afraid for your children. The police operation was also reported in the media very early on. Unfortunately, many false reports on social media also caused additional uncertainty.

The police searched the school very thoroughly to rule out any specific danger. No weapons were used at any time.

The children and young people were then led to the gymnasium with their teachers, class by class. Only when all 29 classes were on site did the police organise the bus transfer to the parents' meeting point - again class by class.

Throughout the entire police operation, our students behaved in an exemplary, calm and appropriate manner for the situation. Staff from the ambulance service, fire brigade, emergency counselling service and Red Cross were on site and also took care of everyone.

The police realised that there was no danger from people outside the school community. There were also no pupils who wanted to harm others. The investigation into how the threat came about is ongoing.

What happens now....

The LEG talks will not take place tomorrow, Thursday. You will be informed of a new date.

Pupils will not have lessons tomorrow, Thursday. From 1.00 p.m., pupils who are particularly stressed and you as parents will have the opportunity to speak to school psychology staff on site.

On Friday, there will be an opportunity in the classes to discuss and process what they have experienced. Here too, the school psychology department will support your children on site with counselling sessions if required.

The children's bags are safely stored at school and can remain at school until Friday.

We will be organising a parents' evening next week, the date can be found here on the homepage.

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New School Dorsten
  • Juliusstraße 1, 46284 Dorsten
  • 02362/28435100
  • info@neueschuledorsten.de
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